Song Of The Day 4/13/2013: Eunice Collins - "At The Hotel"
Everything about "At The Hotel" -- which sounds more like it takes place at a motel -- is unnerving. The detuned guitar sounds like it's on cough syrup. There's no polish to the production whatsoever. Yet it's impossible to stop listening. I think that has something to do with how calmly, yet bluntly, Collins takes full control of the sexual negotiation. ("Why can't you be a sixty-minute man?") Then she asks the loaded question "Would you mind if I demonstrated?" Like she's about to show me some kitchen bowls with snapping lids. No, actually. Nah, I wouldn't mind at all. One can never be beyond picking up a few pointers. I'll just be over here.
This was only Part 1 of "At the Hotel." Part 2 continues on the flip side, and contains what DJ Matthew Africa called "the worst recorder solo in the world." I agree, except for the implication that at some point in musical history there was a good recorder solo.
I am fascinated by the songs and the story looming behind it. Pls Conatct me - more once we are on private messaging