Song Of The Day 3/23/2015: Bromheads Jacket - "A Trip to the Golden Arches"

Sheffield, Courteous But Firm: I’m already screwing this theme week up on the second day. Bromheads Jacket are actually transplants to Sheffield, not natives. I don’t know how fiercely provincialism is defended in Sheffield, but being a town with blue-collar industrial roots and many opportunities to play the phoenix, I’m going to guess they’re somewhat defiant about it.

Bromheads Jacket are two guys who came up in Sheffield post-Arctic Monkeys, one of those bands whose input I’ve always appreciated but have never seemed to be able to afford the whole time of day. They’re a little harder. A bit edgier. Somewhat more bothered. They can ramble a bit. The Guardian didn’t care for them. They do bear a striking architectural resemblance to Art Brut, a band I love, without the doe-eyed sense of wonder Eddie Argos so winningly displays.

I believe the “Golden Arches” in England are the same as the “Golden Arches” in the USA; i.e., a refurbished conveyor-like delivery system of semi-digestibles with varying levels of viscosity, recently retrofitted to account for the winsome folly of human error and discernment. They sell Fish Fingers at the McDonalds in England. I’m not really up on what they serve at the McDonalds in America, but in the normal course of business there should be no fingers involved.
