Song Of The Day 9/16/2015: David Bowie – “God Knows I’m Good”
But that's the not real issue for us Americans. No, for us, as we stand at the rim of our continent waving a hearty hello to the absolving morning sun, our question is: "What the hell is stewing steak?" First, I think the more common term is stewed steak. All the tins I saw pictures of read "Stewed Steak," which indicates to me that it's pre-stewed. You don't buy stewed steak with the purpose of re-stewing it. Unless... maybe it actually stews in the can. Is that what he meant? No, that's ridiculous. Bowie's talking about stewed steak, clearly.
From what I could tell in the pictures it kind of looks like Dinty Moore Beef Stew. Is it worth stealing? Probably not. But conversely, is shoplifting stewed steak a crime worth prosecuting? The lady in "God Knows I'm Good" is really in a bad way, and to make matters even worse she's about to eat stewed steak. Unless it's for her cat. Ah, well, what the hell. She dreamed a dream.