Song Of The Day 6/1/2013: Rainbo - "John You Went Too Far This Time"
The Two Virgins controversy prompted Greenwich Village folksinger Rainbo to record "John You Went Too Far This Time" in 1969 for Roulette Records. It's couched as a breakup tale, looking back on the times when John would whisk her off to a "sunlight submarine" and "trips with Lucy." The final verse has the coyly funny line "I love the things you showed me up 'til now, John." You and me both, sweetheart.
Things didn't work out for Rainbo in the music industry, so she dropped the pseudonym and reverted to her real name, which was Sissy Spacek. She became a very good actress, especially in movies like Badlands in which she went on a killing spree, and Carrie in which she used telekinesis to kill almost her entire high school, her mother and herself. Speaking of going too far.