Song Of The Day 8/23/2013: Belle and Sebastian - "I Didn't See It Coming"

I'm reviewing the new Belle and Sebastian outtakes collection for one of my preferred outlets soon. Looking at the titles I noticed there was a remix of "I Didn't See It Coming" from their underrated 2010 album Write About Love. (I'm one of those fanboys who thinks every album since If You're Feeling Sinister is underrated.) Seeing the title set off faint echoes of the song, then it came full flush. I walked away, but the song wouldn't let go. It's one of the most beautiful tracks in B&S's canon. I couldn't dislodge Sarah Martin singing the liltingly bittersweet phrase "Make me dance, I want to remember." I tried to move it somewhere else. I tried putting it in the desk. I gave it to my 18-month-old to play with and figured he'd just lose it somewhere in the house. But it kept coming back. It made my ears hurt. I realized they were both being attacked by photo strips of the main singers of this song replicated in Warholesque colors, Martin in the left ear, Stuart Murdoch on the right. They got in deep enough to cause this dull ache in my nasal cavities. Rude if you ask me. Finally I just threw my book on the floor, put on some headphones and relieved the pressure. Then I played it another time. I've played it four times since then. Never has a song insisted upon being SOTD via full-on cranial attack. I didn't see it coming either. This threw off all my plans.


Anonymous said…
Stanley says:
Hmm... I usually don't "get" Belle And Sebastian, but I kind of like this. I like the 1981-sounding synthesizer.