Song Of The Day 8/27/2013: Tom T. Hall - "Pay No Attention To Alice"
I love one line in this song above all others: "Don't talk about the war. I was a coward." It's an orphan line that shifts the tone of the song abruptly, and then just gets dropped. "Talk about fishin' and the all the good times raisin' hell" is what he says next. Wait a minute, you're bringing up this apparently very personal event and then just shutting it down? What are you, drunk? That one line wraps up the wandering thought process of a man who's guzzling down some serious alcohol. As it turns out he's losing his mind just as much as he says Alice is. Pot, meet kettle.
This song's about lots of things: the glass-house potential of small-town gossip, denial, the double standard of men getting away with something women couldn't without scandal. The ending is both indefinite and poetically justified. An honest-to-God WTF moment.
Maybe this song is too sane for Mental Health Week. Ah well, too late now. We've already printed the T-shirts.