Song Of The Day 8/23/2014: Rachel Sweet - "Jealous" + A Stiff Playlist!

If It Ain't Stiff...: Rachel Sweet was signed to Stiff straight out of Akron, Ohio, which is a place you'd like to say you come from when you think about who came from there, at the age of 15. She was already firmly in control of her inner Ronnie Spector, perhaps even earlier than Ronnie Spector was. I felt like the real Rachel Sweet was stuck between two eras that were deceptively wide apart. She nailed the classic R&B songs like "B-A-B-Y" better than almost anyone, but realizing she couldn't stay suspended in that nostalgia forever they seemed to have a harder time coming up with newish material for to her handle. "Jealous" was a single from her 1980 album Protect The Innocent, whose cover I don't know how to interpret. Maybe you'll get a rise out of it.

Finally, since I've rewired my internal song-flinger to make it more geared towards Spotify playlists, I figured you'd enjoy an overview of singles from the first stage of Stiff. It features the seven songs you heard this past week, plus an additional 23 (23!) from nether realms of Stiff's locker room. I'm really trying. For you. For all of us. All right, off you go.
