Song Of The Day 12/21/2014: John Legend & Stephen Colbert - "Nutmeg"

Christmas Week: The Colbert Report ended last Thursday night. It featured the greatest closing number in series-finale history, built on the almost unfairly slam-dunk wartime classic “We’ll Meet Again.” If you’d told me that the most moving series finale I’d seen in years involved a huge chorus featuring, among others, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Doris Kearns Goodwin, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Pussy Riot, Mike Huckabee, Barry Manilow and Henry Kissinger, I would have – well, I would have found that perfectly plausible, actually.

What seems to have been frustratingly forgotten in all this digital capriciousness is A Colbert Christmas: The Greatest Gift of All, which originally aired in 2008 and is up there with A Charlie Brown Christmas, Frosty the Snowman, The Grinch Who Stole Christmas and Is He Mad At Me? Wilford Brimley’s Curtly Delivered Nativity Story as one of the best holiday television specials ever unleashed. A Colbert Chirstmas had Elvis Costello getting consumed by a bear, Feist playing a Christmas angel, Toby Keith stringing popcorn and Jon Stewart singing “Can I Interest You In Hannukah?” far more serviceably than he believed. I thought John Legend’s “Nutmeg” was an overlooked part of the show, and since it has some lyrics related to culinary concerns I felt it important to include.
