Song Of The Day 6/6/2016: The Marbles – “Only One Woman”
Barry Gibb was always keen behind the scenes, and either singly or in collaboration with others leant his considerable studio skills to other recording artists who shared his overall viewpoint, if not with the same tremulous falsetto or taste in gold medallions. This week I'm featuring five songs on which Gibb served as a hands-on producer, or at least co-wrote the song question. It's safe to assume that he was on call on all these recordings, and was just a short cab ride away should anybody required more hands-on directives. Unfortunately I can't present my favorite such song, Teri Desario's "Ain't Nothin' Gonna Keep Me From You," because I already featured it during Disco Doubt week. But I found five others that stormed my Mac that will do just fine.
Today's, for example, is from the Marbles, an English duo with Righteous Brotherly aspirations, singing the Bee Gees' composition "Only One Woman" featuring Barry on guitar. It's a pretty sublime song, although Marbles lead singer and flower-power cartoon character name Graham Bonnet thought it was "too simple," which'll get you disenfranchised from the Gibbs before you can say "how can you mend a..." See? That's already too long.