Song Of The Day 12/2/2013: Pet Shop Boys - "Vocal"

Favorite Songs Of 2013: Going to wrap up this series in the most doctrinaire manner possible: with a song about music and how it's the glue that binds our tenuously assembled society together in one bulging mass of humanity. But a really good song from the Pet Shop Boys, who have never sounded more genuine than on the lovely "Vocal" which closes their most recent album. It can't be easy being the elder statesmen of techno. Most elder statesmen wear coats with leather patches on the elbow and smell like fine Cavendish pipe tobacco. I don't know anything about what it takes to be an elder statesman of techno, but I imagine there's a jumpsuit in someone's chest of drawers, and probably something that smells like citric acid.

This concludes my presentation of some of my favorite songs of 2013. There were others I chose not to feature, some because I already had featured them earlier in the year, and others because I'm sure you've heard "Get Lucky" a million times already. Other favorites included these:
