This is Song Of The Day #600. Unfortunately for us 600 is not an especially notable number in everyday parlance unless you're counting career home runs. Usually 600 is just a forlorn rest stop for most people on their way to 666, a number that has some nasty connotations, but is all the more romantic for many of you. But 600 puts me at a disadvantage because there aren't any songs that contain "600" in the title. Once you get to this point, there doesn't really seem to be any need to mark the occasion. In fact, I think we're going to have a hard time finding any notable songs with famous numbers in their titles until we get to 1000 (except for aforementioned 666 of course). So by way of lame compensation, I'm giving you an instrumental from Explosions In The Sky called "Six Days At the Bottom Of the Ocean." If you wouldn't mind listening to this 100 times, that'd be great. I have no way to check up on you either, so you can just forge the note from your parents that you did. Yay milestones.