Quarterly Covers Report: Let's warp up -- I mean,
wrap up the last QCR of the calendar year on a high note. This is Mojo Nixon covering what I'm sure sounded like a psychedelic idea to Kenny Rogers and the First Edition at the time. This was recorded for one of Pravda Records' K-Tel parody series of various-artist '70s covers, released in the '90s. It kept us college DJ's at the time amused for, oh, a good fifteen years or so. Also featured Smashing Pumpkins, in an all-too-rare moment of unbridled levity, covering Ozark Mountain Daredevils' "Jackie Blue." You had to be there.
Thanks for your patronage and we'll be back in February with more of the most beautiful cover versions ever recorded. In the meantime, get ready for this blog's typical phoning it in for the holiday season.