Song Of The Day 4/29/2016: National Lampoon feat. Alice Playten – “Pizza Man”

More Songs About Eating and Food – I also have a complicated history with pizza. It's not quite as complicated as the complicated history I have with hamburgers, because pizza is more justifiable by a wider cross-section of people than hamburgers. You can go full-scale artisan on certain pizzas. You can train all your life in the art of pizza-making so you can get one of those Neapolitan certificates. You can just see pizza as a conveyance device, whether it's conveying prosciutto and arugula or salami and death. Or you can unfold it and serve it to kids. It's multi-purpose. Which isn't to say you can't tart up a hamburger, you can. You can whip out the truffle mayo and the gold flakes and go to town. But you have a more limited workspace with hamburgers. Your mis en place is all scrunched up with hamburgers. Pizzas are just begging you to put whatever you have lying around on it: cheese, meats, vegetables, electronics, whatever. You can do whatever you like with pizzas, except eat them with a fork. You can't do that.