Mixtape #92: Skeuomorph

I made this mixtape in mid-January when there was nothing else going on. It was the first non-Star Time, non-WGYTTN mixtape I'd made in nearly a year. None of the artists on it were familiar to me. I'm not sure where it came from. In my experience that can go either way. It is primarily instrumental with some electronics. I don't know where the implied state of dread comes from as things were going pretty well on balance when it was produced. Then again, if things were going badly, the last thing I'd want to do is make a mixtape. Let me know what you draw from it. The title is unimportant.

Robert Stillman - Portal 4
Ulver - Club Fuego
Sid LeRock - Beckon
Stumm/Risberg - Rise and Fall
Hair Stylistics - Music for the Murder Festa
The Devil & the Universe - Spleen Cockaigne (Spleen Mix)
memoclip - helltour
Daphne X - La Siesta del Xiaco
G3RBVRII - Poisonberry
The Authoritarian - Take a Breath
Howard Stelzer - Take Lots of Dramamine
miaslayer - SYNTHBED
Sylvia Hallett - Thicket History
University Challenged - How I Swam Across the Pond
